Hillstone Finance Weekly Update (July 18 ~ 22)
In the last week, there were two main issues: World Poker Championship (WPC) and Hillstone NFT Wallet.
World Poker Championship
First of all, Hillstone and its partner KMGM, one of the biggest poker game service provider, has collaborated to hold the WPC event. KMGM has more than 100 branch offices, and is also known as the biggest poker community in Korea.
Hillstone Finance, as the professional blockchain company, will provide NFT technology into the poker ecosystem so that it could prevent problems regarding seed tickets. For example, issuing fraudulent tickets, and hacking are some existing problems in the poker ecosystem. Hillstone Finance will solve these problems by giving the tickets in NFT. Moreover, tournament prizes, operations, and tax issues will be transparently disclosed thanks to the blockchain technology.
The tournament was held during 13 July ~ 17 July, and the total prize of the tournament is approximately 305,429 million dollars.
NFT wallet application
Secondly, Hillstone Finance is proud to announce its first NFT wallet application — Hillstone NFT Wallet.
Application homepage: https://wpc.hillstone.finance/login
Users can sign in with their phone number, and receive seed tickets and tournament prizes in NFT after participating in the tournament.
The picture above is the interface of Hillstone NFT wallet after the successful log-in. Users can receive NFT seed tickets, check their rankings, announcement, and the total amount of NFT they currently have in their wallet.
To list out some operational data for our NFT wallet, there are currently:
- 673 users
- 3,384 transactions
- 14,899 seed tickets (total issuance)
- 9,154 seed tickets (in users’ wallet)
Hillstone Finance aims to create and develop a healthy poker ecosystem in Korea by applying the blockchain technology. With this NFT wallet, poker players will be able to get rid of potential risks caused by hackings, fake tickets, and will be able to transparently see the transactions of prizes.
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