Hillstone Signs Partnership with Korean Public Institution to Support Local Startups Expand Abroad
We are proud to announce a new strategic partnership with Gyeonggido Business & Science Accelerator (GBSA).
GBSA is a public startup accelerator in Gyeonggido, the biggest province in Korea.
Hillstone is a Korean private equity company specializing in Finance, IT, and Fintech. It also helps Korean startups expand abroad as a startup accelerator.
Gyeonggido Business & Science Accelerator (GBSA)
GBSA is a public institution founded in 1997. Located in Gyeonggido, the most populated province in Korea, GBSA has been supporting the growth of regional startups.
Hillstone is a global crypto equity firm founded in 2013. It stems from the first M&A company in Korea — Korea M&A. Hillstone’s core members come from top financial institutions such as Samsung Asset Management, Merrill, Barclays, Mirae Asset, Daishin Securities, and KTB. Hillstone is also well-known for its specialties in finance, IT, and blockchain; recently, it has launched Hillstone Finance, a blockchain project which provides a hybrid investment platform.
Purpose of This Partnership
The main goal of this strategic partnership between Hillstone and GBSA is to prospect promising early startups based in Gyeonggido, and support their businesses to expand abroad. Moreover, these two signing parties aim to promote healthy venture ecosystem by creating more jobs in the region.
“Hillstone will be able to promote local startups more efficiently with the information provided by Gyeonggido Business & Science Accelerator.” — Rayol Hwang, the CEO of Hillstone
“We expect to accelerate the innovation and growth of local startups with the help of Hillstone in this difficult time” — Chief Science Officer of Gyeonggido Business & Science Accelerator
About Hillstone Finance
Hillstone Finance (HSF) is a blockchain project recently launched by Hillstone. Hillstone Finance aims to achieve convenient access to all kinds of investment for everyone.
For more information about Hillstone Finance,
Homepage: https://www.hillstone.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hillstoneFin
Gitbook: https://hillstone.gitbook.io/hillstone-finance/
Telegram: https://t.me/HillstoneFinanceGlob