Hillstone Weekly Update (Aug 8~ 12)
Welcome to Hillstone’s weekly update. Last week, we have mentioned that Hillstone and LBank is holding an afterparty in Korea this week. We are glad to announce that the afterparty was a great success; our CEO Rayol Hwang met with crypto industry leaders and strengthened his network for potential cooperation in the future.
Moreover, Hillstone has been utilizing the “stable NFT” to distribute prizes in WPC poker tournaments. Hillstone is also sponsoring 2022 COEX Mind Sports Competition. The details of the events will be explained below.
To summarize the main events happened this week:
- LBank Afterparty
- Stable NFT & WPC
- 2022 COEX Mind Sports Competition
KBW Afterparty with LBank
Korea has been a hot place for blockchain fans and leaders this week because of Korea Blockchain Week 2022 (KBW). Industrial pioneers such as Vitalik Buterin (the chief scientist of Ethereum), Changpeng Zhao (the CEO of Binance), Sandeep Nailwal (the co-founder of Polygon), and many more attended KBW.
This LBank & Friends event was one of the KBW afterparties where people could meet and exchange inspiring ideas. There were drinks, food, music, fascinating lights and DJ for people to enjoy the party.
Rayol Hwang attended the event to expand its local and global network. He is known for the expertise and the enormous human network in Korea. In the event, Rayol met with a lot of industrial leaders, and discussed potential business opportunities in the future. For example, Rayol was introduced to BD of MEXC Global, the CEO of an Ukraine media firm COINSTELEGRAM, and etc.
Stable NFT & World Poker Championship
Hillstone has been working with KMGM, the biggest poker firm in Korea, to develop a healthy poker industry by applying the blockchain technology. Hillstone issues the stable NFT to distribute prizes of poker tournaments. The stable NFT was used in 5 poker tournaments so far, and the following posters are some examples.
2022 COEX Mind Sports Competition
Besides WPC, KMGM and Hillstone is holding another event — 2022 COEX Mind Sports Competition, in which mind sports such as poker, sudoku, puzzle, and other board games will be played. The event starts on Aug 11 and ends on Aug 13.
This event is held by Korea Mind Sports Association, sponsored by KMGM, and Hillstone. It is another effort from two companies to create a healthy mind sports ecosystem in Korea, and Hillstone will try its best to expand the usage of the stable NFT.
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